JUST WHERE CAN I FIND THESE BOOKS AND WHEN WILL I HAVE ENUF MONEH TO BY THE BOOKS? pic credit; I followed her blog for ages and when she started to publish this book, i was like omaigad where can i find this book???? I NEED MOTIVATION! Can she just send one for me for being such a loyal follower? lol no. I found it online but i dont want to buy online ok i want now i cant wait. pic credit; Okay. My buddies know how much i wanted these books or at least one of them. I love doodling, i love creativity. I FOUND THEM BUT I DONT HAVE ENUF MONEY I IZ SADD AHH and erghhhh kbye TWO YEARS AGO JENG PROMISED ME TO BAGI PINJAM THIS WWBU BOOK BUT I THINK SHE FORGOT IT OR MAYBE SHE FORGOT ME URM I found this book kat angsana but i have to let it go because i had to buy other book lol see u later Waiting for someone to buy me the books like ..... Yoona knows how it feels