June Favs {love}

Assalamualaikum !
Lama tak update blog eah
Blog ni takleh buat express feeling dah hehe.

So : JUNE .
June is one of my fav month in a year.
Walaupun june ni kosong sbb takde birthday loved ones.
So my fav things for this June is *drumrolls*

The sweetest-scented hand & body lotion R series.
I put 'em on my body eveynight supaya ill be wangi all the time.
It makes my skin so smooth tho insya Allah hehe.

So this Victoria Secrets' Fragrance Mist is from my future sister-in-law ( insyaAllah )
The things is, i never dreamed to have this mist
Like its so mahal u know & im selekeh i cannot ah.
Tapi ia sangat lah wangi.

These two cutiez i found them dekat DIY Tesco 
Omg never thot that ill meet them.
So saya beli dan bawa pergi holiday like everything also i put inside
Hehe bracelets, watches, lipbalms etc etc
And yang kecik tu so cute sbb ia sangatlah kecikkk.
And i put our pin tudung inside.

These thing is my stuffs that i bring to school like every single day.
Satu tak bawak, semua tak bawak.
That is my only cutie coins purse but i dont put coins inside ._.
I put duit kertas & vaseline & my cermin sakti bak kata aze :*
The vaseline helps me when my hands so kering and busuk.
Biasa pakai after experiment chemist tapi dah lama tak buat experiment
So dah lama tak refill the bottle.

Yet this is my super duper cool backpack!
I like it like i put everything inside
Go tuition also pakai, go hari koko also pakai, go hari sukan also pakai.
Its cute and its red ohemgee

These are my fav tudung.
Both from aidijuma if im not mistaken.
The best thing about the blue one is super senang nak bentuk!
Tak susah nak renyuk2.
Omg i like it the most.
Yang pink pulak, well.. i like pink. urm.
And i wear it everytime ye EVERYTIME i feel lazy to iron tudung
Because ia sangat senang nak bentuk walaupun tak iron!
Tapi quite licin lah yg pink tu.

Lolololololol siapa yg tak suka benda warna warni?
Setiap kali malas nak study, ill doodling
Hehehe because i like to play with colours.
And this June, i coloured a lot hahha.

And this red notebook is where i write my notes
And doodling. well~ wina kan

Lol of cos the past year question books.
I have to love them so i can answer all the questions happily.

Dairy milk youghurt, the one that always by my side when im doing homework everynight.
I dont like strawberry tho why did i posted this pic.
I like mixed fruits more than the others.


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