Favourite memories from childhood

Thaaaaats me!
Yeppp thats me.
I have like sooooo many memories from my childhood.
Too many to reminisce.
Before i jump in the main topic, let me rant a bit.
So i have not revealed yet about the comeback of this blog.
I did hinting my friends on this but lets just wait and see. 
I wanted to make myself comfortable in writing here. 
I wanted to write like nobodys watching.

Okay back to the topic.
I have a lot of childhood memories since i spent the wholeee childhood phase with my younger sister who is just 2 years younger than me.
The best part is that we were always together, playing.
Mom always made us wear matching clothes.
It was fun at first but when we got older, when we accidentally wearing matching clothes we'll be like EWWWW CHANGEE!
I could list our selfmade games that we played.
First, common girls of course lah we played masak-masak and all.
The thing is that we played it at our car porch. 
We would just bentang tikar and put umbrellas around the area to avoid our neighbor kacau us main.
We would pretend to be mothers or teachers and our plushies & dolls will be the children and sometimes students HAHAHA
We also had this creative DIY thing that we made buai for babies using big napkin and hangers.

The next game is almost similar to the masak-masak game but this time we create families using mainan kecik (we called it)
Well basically you just need those toys you got when u buy cup icecream.
I dont know if its still available but we used to buy that all the time.
It comes in doraemon, hello kitty and digimon.
We collected them all and created families.
And dont forget to but that house things yang complete with sofas, drawer, bed blablabla.
This game created a lot of mess but we enjoyed it.

The next thing we always play was with our dolls.
We have a lot of dolls which we already throw out before moving to Johor Bahru.
Ok so we had this first aid box which is rarely used by us family.
So we use the first aid to play doctors and patients.
We'll just acted like all the dolls are sick and need medicine.
We even put those minyak busuk on the dolls because we dont careeeeee.

The other favorite memories are in school.
I used to study in all-girls school in Batu Pahat.
SK Tengku Mariam.
It was so fun.
I had a lot of friends from my class eventho i was very quiet that time.
Facts : I fell in love with tempe since i ate once here and until now, i still love tempe!
The food at my school are always soooo tempting.
Since my mother were teaching there too, she always offered me to eat with her.
But no sometimes i cant resist the food they sell at the canteen.
Everything is delicious and yep cheap too.

Okay this last one is my most favorite memories.
The long-ride from Johor to Terengganu.
Since my father drove 7-seats car, me and my sister would be the ones who sits at the very back.
We would built our own tent back there using blankets.
Sometimes we'll just play restaurant games where we took orders from our brothers and parents and we would pretend to cook.
Sometimes we would just do our own thing like reading or yeaaaa sleep.
I really love night-ride especially when it took more than 6 hours.
I really miss those moment tho.

Well everyone is a grownup now.
I just wish to still spend time with the family instead of busy studying in college.
And also i wanted night long ride too!
So that was my favorite memories from childhood.
Kind wish i could turn back time to the old days.


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