how I, i repeat, I I I improve my english

I was having so much trouble with english since i was kindergarten.
But i cant help from loving this subject/language so much.
Haha. So i just want to share how i improve my english.

First of all, its because i love english so much and ive always wanted to get an A on my english test,
So i started to focus in every english classes.
I even attended an english tuition when i was 12 and became overly-attached with my english teacher.
Hahahha. yes, im not joking. i was so closed with my primary english teachers, miss muniera and madam soh rosie.

Second, i challenged myself to always complete no matter how much the homework given.
You would do that if u like the subjects so much.
This thing same goes to my maths and chemistry :p

Third, twitter.
I always follow account that tweeted fully-english tweets like quote-tweets goal-tweets etc.
pssttt.. i even have a private account just to follow those fully-english accounts.
By this method, i will learn how to use some difficult words and also learn many new words that tak pernah dengar pun.
Juga, dont forget to follow @englishjer and @the_YUNiversity because these accounts daebak.
Ye lagi satu, force yourself to tweet in english  (jk) walaupun broken, like me, its okay. LEARN.

Yang keempat, bloggie.
Yes ni lebih kurang je dengan yang third. I followed some blogs that posted in english.
But because im not that active in blogging so this way kinda not working out for me. hahaha

Fifth, yasss youtube!
Of course youtube.
Because. your english words pronounsation will be better.
Im a kpopper (lel sori) so i watch a lot of kshows and of coz lah with subtitles right right right
By this way too, ill learn so many words in english and ill use em (?)

Sixth, friends.
I have friends from different races, and we texted in english (sometimes haha).
Davilan, he's the friend that i texted in english a lot, and we talk in english.
I was so never confident to speak in english because i was afraid that maybe he couldnt understand my english but after one or two years being so closed to him, i got that confidence and suprisingly he understood every single words i say okay liar. Sometimes he misheard my english too and that makes me 'okay cakap melayu' hahahah.
Beside, i also have maanoj, but we rarely text so urm sometimes i do texted him in english.
And syada, she always tweets in english and hers is better than me, im jealous *put jealous emoji here*

Seventh, READ A LOT.
Im a book-lover, and i do read a lot.
I started to read english novels when i was 13 and im still into english novels now tapi kadang2 diganggu oleh buku fixi. ish.
But sometimes i cant afford to buy the books because GST, hihihi. I installed this one app where i can read stories like everyday as long as my phone's battery still ada.
Go search for Wattpad.

Eighth, i didnt do this anymore but i think it'll help. LISTEN TO ENGLISH SONGS.
I did this before i started listen to kpop :p
I'll listen the song without looking at the lyrics, and try to catch up what is the song all about.
Pastu baru tengok lirik. I think this is quite important.
Because i thought, one day someone will talk to me in english and what if i cant catch up what they say? There's no subtitles tho.
Hahaha so slowly, listen english songs, a lot. hahha

I think thats all.
Bye, hambar kan post ni hahha


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