20 random facts

It has been few weeks after my latest post.
I guess im back with my blogging activities.
I just loooove my blog too much.
I changed this blog a lot to use it as my assignment, i feel like im betraying my 8-years blog :(
I got back my blog, i changed it back to normal.
Got my old posts back, the template and everything and now im back posting posts for me to read years later!
I need to be active!
Reading back my old posts (which are mostly safe saved in the drafts because too much cringe-worthy post), i realized how much my life has change.
I became mature, no rempitz spelling anymore, my heart pain has been cured, the friends i loved wasnt here anymore (im glad i at least written about them here so i could flashback that yaaaa we at least had good memories you know).
And yet, i am still a kpopper. Kuikui.
Alright, im gonna start right now!

1. Lets start with the most basic one, my name is Wan Nur Syazwina binti Wan Zulfikri. The fact is i realized that my name actually has space between 'Nur' and 'Syazwina'. It was when i was 17, few weeks before i had my SPM. I remember staring at my IC and telling my classmate that the 'Nur' and 'Syazwina' actually had spaces.
2. I am an unconsistent person. I dont stick with one opinion until the end. As an example, i dont really have favourite colour that i really loved. It depends on my mood i see. When i was depressed back in 2015, i loooove black a lot. Then i love turqoise a lot, as you can see from the colour of my blog. And sometimes i love pink, sometimes i hate. Sometimes i love green, sometimes i hate. But i really hate yellow and i would never love it.
3. My favourite apps are Weheartit!!! I love the pictures so much. My wallpapers are mostly be taken from that app. You cant fight me on this one but weheartit are way more better than instagram, the only difference are that weheartit aint communication app.
4. I have been into kpop since i was 12/13 years old, yesss im that old. Kpop is not just a genre guys, its basically a world filled with so many genre. Im into both girl groups and boy groups. But i realized that as im growing older, i am more into girl groups hihihi. But boy groups are better in visuals and choreography and of course in variety. guys, stan kpop!
5. I am single, i have never been in love. eh, i have, back in highschool but only monkey monkey love la. I never take someone seriously. or i am just not attractive.
6. I am confidently love myself. I love my rabun eyes, my dry lips, my big nose, my taring gigi both sides, my uni brow (but its on fleek), my flawlessness skin, my height which is shorter than anyone, and my body fat. AHA!
7. I went through PLKN life yall!! I was an PLKN trainees back in 2014, three months filled with tears, great memories with closest trainees, it was beautiful. I learned a lot of new things. I even tried the flying fox, camp obstacles, kawad kaki everyday (some of the steps i haven't ever heard or tried before) , sleeping in a small tent with 5 other trainees and shooting with m16 too!
8. I am a book-addict. I have so many books at home, i dont have favorite author. Rather than falling in love with the author, i fell in love with the story line & the characters. And i am more into motivational books, quotes books too.
9. I am the third out of five siblings. I have two older brothers, a younger sister and a younger brother. I got my sister-in-law in 2015 and now got a really cute nephew. And that means i have a really perfect family with my parents.
10. I am currently studying at Politeknik Mersing. ( Future wina, if you are reading this, i hope you are studying in good university because u did good here. You got good result every semester, you are you politeknik's students representative council and you have such good friends.) . I am a student diploma in business studies. And i'll be on my last semester on this June. Pray for me!

11. My favorite singer at the moment are IU, she just had a comeback and i just discovered that all her songs are jams! My favorite from her current album are Palette and Dlwlrma. They are just so good and IU's voice are soooo soothing!
12. The only make up that i would rather spend money on are lipsticks. I love lipsticks so much even tho i rarely wear them. I love lipsticks variety shades, everything about lipsticks. It is to the extent that every time i watch make up tutorials, i'll skip to the part where they apply their lipsticks.
13. My favorite desserts are obviously ice creams! Everyone loves ice cream i knowww! Besides, i cant deny that yogurt ice cream and shaved ice are my number one desserts! I could skip meals if someone serve me with ice creams!
14. My type? Urmmm i love an educated person who does not smoke. He should be tall and good bodehhhh. I love healthy person too. Someone who can cope with my attitude, understand my personality and a loyal person. He has to be very kindhearted and reliable too. Supportive in any sides, not abusive ( I'm scared ). Believe in me. Someone that sees me differently, speak well. Beautiful inside out. He dont have to be that funny because me myself, mudah terhibur.
15. I love pizza and pastas a lot! If you asked me to choose, i didnt choose one, i choose BOTH! This obviously tells you my favorite place to eat : Pizza Hut! I seriously think that pizza and pasta are best friends, they were meant to be together ... with vanilla milkshake or fizzy float.
16. I can read hangul (korean characters) !! 8-9 years in kpop, how can i not know how to read it, i also understand some of the words because lots of kpop songs heard and korean dramas watched. But, excuse me i can just read but cant understand what that means in english. Hahaha. Well, at least i can read.
17. I love, love, love gummy things. Gummy with sour taste to be exact. (Guys, i can eat lemons just like eating a piece of cakey!). I cant go a day in my college life without chewy things to keep in my mouth. I think the gummy feels are so satisfying, its like tasting heaven. I always wanted to try gummy bears like they eat in korean dramas but i just got informed from my sister that its non-halal. I am disappointed but well wina, there's more other gummy things you can choose.
18. I'd take a lot of time to make friends. Well, i get along with people well. But to be closer to be called 'friend', it took quite sometimes. I am also very reserved kind of person soooo i am not that talkative. I only talk when i feel like i need to. Almost three years in Politeknik Mersing, i can count my very small circle friends. I am blessed that i met them, i at least choose the right friends here.
19. My habits are biting lips and the inside of my cheeks (this sounds weird but am i alone?). I use vaseline for my lips, my lips are okay but it turn bad because of my habit. Sometimes they bleed too. I am worried of course but it has been my habit since i was young. Biting inside of my cheeks are just so satisfying, dont ask me.
20. Last but not least, I have a friend whom i adore with her personality and thoughts so much. SHE is so beautiful in many ways.We have been together since 2013 and we still keep in contact some times through our secret and personal social media accounts. We randomly & freely confessed everything there. We even have journals which we write each. Mine are in black color, i treasure it a lot. Writing in the journal feels like talking to HER. One day, when i had loads of money, my dream are to bring her to cute cafes to drink, eat and pastry-eating time! Lots of photoshoot of course. I want to see her every week, twice a month as long as we can still see each other, do things together, burn the awkwardness, and just be ourselves. She's like a sister from another mother, the one that i am not scared telling anything to her. Because i know she's happy when i'm happy, sad when i sad, mad when i mad. Thats how i am being to her. Gurrrrl, u can never imagine how happy i was when you tell me your previous result (3.00+), i was so proud. Sometimes i was busy, i read your tweets but no time to respond but believe me, i was like that with everyone when i am busy. (One of my friend put me in her ig story telling me she missed me, i saw that and remind myself that i have to reply that but i was damn busy, i forgot to reply that and .... you know ig stories disappeared in 24hrs). Know what, honestly, i lost trust with the people once promised me to always be there for me but end up leaving me, twice. You're my last hope :'( I am so dramatic but i know you are able to cope with that.