random missing post.

Hey, I'm back. Peace yo! I noticed that i deleted too much previous posts that I only left with kpop stuffs (which I already drafted some of them) I really wanted to update a lot but I dont have so much time and that I am not confident. I really dont want to abandon my blog :( Its almost 7 years thooooo Also, I am going back to Poli today and I dont know how to feel. I am not homesick btw 💢 Btw, I visited blog batch today & I know everyone dah lupakan dia. The blog was a mess. The wallpaper dah destroyed idk maybe the web where we took the wallpaper dah shut down or anything. And also the ask.fm box dah deleted, dah tak boleh guna. I need to clean up the mess. How i wish my room dekat Poli has a strong wifi so i could online everyday to fix the blog back to normal. I know walaupun nobody reads them anymore, but i still go there once in a while. I want to clean them back, write about one or two posts, telling them that i dont forget them. ...