random missing post.

Hey, I'm back.
Peace yo!
I noticed that i deleted too much previous posts that I only left with kpop stuffs (which I already drafted some of them)
I really wanted to update a lot but I dont have so much time and that I am not confident.
I really dont want to abandon my blog :( Its almost 7 years thooooo
Also, I am going back to Poli today and I dont know how to feel.
I am not homesick btw 💢

Btw, I visited blog batch today & I know everyone dah lupakan dia.
The blog was a mess.
The wallpaper dah destroyed idk maybe the web where we took the wallpaper dah shut down or anything.
And also the ask.fm box dah deleted, dah tak boleh guna.
I need to clean up the mess.

How i wish my room dekat Poli has a strong wifi so i could online everyday to fix the blog back to normal.
I know walaupun nobody reads them anymore, but i still go there once in a while.
I want to clean them back, write about one or two posts, telling them that i dont forget them.

Suddenly feels like contacting back those friends i left behind.
Guess what, I noticed that after i left mrsm, i kinda change to a person yang tak suka crowded places.
And tak suka kawan in gang. sorang dua cukup.
Until now, people still wonder why i tak suka kawan ramai ramai.
Even this one friend i stuck with every day and night pun curious.
I dont know why, I just found my new self like so suddenly, i hated having too much friends at one time.
Sekarang pun i have a lot of friends, in different circles.
Maybe one sebab commitment.
Seeing how Cb's are now, I am disappointed but salah sendiri jugak.
I never tried to reach out first and always being the silent reader.
I am still contacting with Iman & Yasmin.
That day Yasmin and I videocalled and she told me she likes the way it is,
I mean how I acted(?)
Like... I stay quiet on whatsapp group & anywhere but once we started talking, It isn't awkward or sombong something like that, I got her point.

Honestly, I rarely took part in keeping up with them but I am sure that they are doing great right now.
And i feel soooooo down sometimes ye la kawan pandai pandai.
But I'm proud of them, no lies.
But we are 13-members group kot how do we keep updating about each other at the same time.

This is so wrong to write it here but I miss them and I dont know how to stay contacted with them.
Katalah, one day if I succeed in anything, I wont ever forget you guys Cb's.
It was so messy at first with everyone not understanding how we always gain new friends in any other places we went, especially when we moved school.
But then everyone started to be in my shoes, and tried to understand me, I am grateful.
It was quiet and lonely at first but up till now, the group are still functioning.
walaupun like 2-3 persons je yang tgh chat masa tu, so I am grateful.


The only appropriate picture I saved (appropriate sebab family Fara ada)
Walaupun it was overly edited sebab i was an editing maniac back then hahaha.
I have more clearer pictures of us but the posing is not suitable for our current personality :p


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