The picture are so dark because of the bad lighting :(

Hellooooooooo it has been a while.
I am practically a little bit busy for the past weeks that I dont have the time to update.
I was busy pasal my practical, and final exam is just around the corner and also I is malas.
But today, I got some free time to update and its gonna be a post about an event I attended last week.

So it was a Hi-Tea event organized by DSKs students.
It was sooooo beyond perfection 😲
The theme were in Pastels so everyone was soooo damn beautiful.
The settings, the theme, the activities are so perfect.
I would like to give them some rounds of applauses because they did so well 👏
The event started formally with all the speeches, eating time and some performances.
Me and half of my classmates danced Baby Shark on the stage.
It was embarassing at first but on the second round, it wasnt anymore.
I do have the video but nope, not gonna post it here :p
And also, we prepared another performance, but I did not took part.
They did some role-play where they imitated some of our lecturers.
It was so funny, everyone did their best.
There's crying scenes on-off stage too and it was so pure I cannot.
Lets just go with the pictures!

Bad lighting again, but thats us the triplets.
Me and Syafa without planning, wore the same colors.
And there's Kak Ummi, just bravely wore red on a pastel-themed event.
We were always like that, weird and free-spirited.

This is Amin, my close-but-not-that-close-but-really-we-are-close friend.
We are closed but not that closed sampai tahap to share secrets ke apa.
But the things we enjoyed are teasing each other.
I am closer to him more than the other classmates so i assume we're close (tak ikhlasnya).
Also, we will do practical in the same place #clingyclassmate

This is Mardhiahna, my friend at first and now she's my bestfriend's girlfriend.
She's so pretty like so da bomb no wonder my best friend fell for her that much (i mean if i was guy, i would too! #hiperbola)
Plus she's so pandai okay, whatta beauty with brain. (Fitri if you mess up, Im gonna kill you)

Us --  the girls with Madam Wani our Penasihat Akademik.
She might look macam strict but she's the cutest among the lecturers.
I can't deny her cuteness anymore especially seeing her reaction towards Fatimah's imitation of her.
And the girls are incomplete. They are nowhere to be found hahaha.

This one guy, yang paling sporting dengan kitorang.
Knew him sebab he is Qistina's boyfriend.
He makes the biggest bop burgers ever!
Also he has seen the real part of us and still thinks we're normally-weird.

Here goes Fitri.
Yang paling *insert bad word*
He suddenly act satanic after a while being friends with us.
He's weird too but there's charming side in him too.
Too childish, too childish, talking to him is tiring.

Here goes the winner of the best dress, Nazirah.
Been friends with her since second semester but still cant believe that she is so lawa.
I wish everything goes well to her.

Syifa, Naz, Lala - they are a part of the organizer team.
You guys did great!

I still can't move from the event.
Too bad, takde gambar tempat.
The table settings are so beautiful.
Each table ada a bouquet of flowers and a helium balloon -- in pastels!
Also with the pintu gerbang yang welcomed us,
And the photobooth yang macam pelamin, with amazing backlighting.
Siap ada scooter dekat tepi (which I tak sempat took picture)
Pun not that typical photobooth with so many props.
It was good, congrats!


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