finished my 5 semester in Polytechnic Mersing! (1/3)

I'm back 💞

At last,
After 2 years and a half.
I finally finished my 5th semester in Mersing Polytechnic, Johor.
'Twas a good hell of a time which filled with bitter-sweet memories.
So many things happened and I cant forget each one of them.

This post I'm gonna write something that I can read back years later, urm maybe after degree?
To reminisce back, how was I when I was in my Diploma.

Well, it was sad that we had to leave each other to go to different paths.
No, its not actually yet. We still have 6 months of internship and graduation before we actually separate to different paths.

Soooo, lets go back to June 2015.

Left; Qi, Me, Saadiah & Shera.
This was my first roommate when I came here.
We were quite a team back then, I mean, we did everything that roommates are supposed to do.
Eat together, making jokes etc etc.
Well, its not always sunny on one side, we did have fights and misunderstanding.
But we had fun in our 1st semester.
Qi was so playful back then, very childish and I am honestly annoyed (dont worry, Qi is aware.).
Yet she grew up being a matured girl and I am still annoyed (yes, Qi. I'm annoying liddat)
Saadiah, she was only there on our first semester and I didn't hear anything from her anymore after she left.
As long as I could remember, I can only say that she is such a coward, which is yea same with me.
And Shera, we are still close to each other.
She too, was so childish and such a prankster.
But she too, grew up getting more matured.
And paling ingat, she was so makcik makcik introducing herself during our first day.
Kecoh but also the queen of homesick.

and then goes my classmates, 

I was a quiet girl, like, really really quiet.
Me being the observant me, I watched my classmates, judging and describing their personality LOL.
But they were nice walaupun I am very scared of them, really 😂
Find me. And the friend that closest to me was Ila, until today, we still keep in contact.
Its a pity that others cant see her true self yet because she moved before our 2nd semester.
Overall, everyone is nice and seriously, I call our 1st semester as everyone's zaman suci.
Just.. look at us.
This was our last class for the semester, and as a passionate student, I did my exam very well (LOL please forgive me)
And I achieved the highest pointer for final exam sepanjang 5 sem belajar kat sini (3.67)
Alhamdulillah, that was the moment I knew I started off well.

Oh btw I am sorry if everyone expected this post to be emotional, well, I'm suck at it.
Lets go to our second semester.
It was bad, but not that bad.
Ila left me, while I was still not good in making friends *loooooser*
I got close to someone, a guy, that I dont want to mention anymore 😇
I WAS close to that guy.
Flowers were blooming, my heart also... kidding.
Btw let me introduce you to new people this semester.

Left; Me, Syifa (that one who look like me...), Qi (again), and Lala.
These girls were my roomates during our 2nd semester.
Lala was a new unfamiliar person who came into my life and created huge mess.
I didnt know a pure and innocent face she got are actually belong to ... a very noisy girl.
We were awkward at first. 
Time passes by, we got closer, spent time together, until now she is the girl that i would labelled as 'my hardest goodbye'.
Oh no I'm being over dramatic already.
Syifa was the one who got me as her roommate which saved me from jadi roommate tah syape syape.
My 2nd semester was one of the worst semester but I am blessed with these girls.
Walaupun, I had a little misunderstanding with Qi, but I never really take it seriously.
The thing I remember the most during my 2nd semester was ...
This gonna be a big secret that I only kept with these 4 girls...
But I'm going to tell it here since I'm gonna read back in few years later.
Well, I had the biggest breakdown point ever in my 20-years of life.
I cried for 2-3 days nonstop.. nonstop! I dont know why, and I dont even know how that i was able to cry that much.
I think I let out all my tears that day today I dont cry anymore, even for the saddest things.
I remember I was guilty with this girl, because I like the guy that she likes, and
me and the guy contacted each other, and the guy knew I have feelings for him, and at the same time he still keep in contact with that girl.
When I'm writing this, I realized that the whole situation doesnt even make any sense and yea... i cried for 2-3days straight...
What's worse was the girl actually stay really close to me, and the one who asked me if i was okay during my breakdown point and I cant even say anything to her.
Okay, enough because I dont remember what was happening after that but I guess we were okay.

Even with all the hardship (ceh)
I have these girls who were there with me in the class after Ila left (blessed).
Eventhough our personality doesnt really match (no, its just picky me).
But I swear they were always so nice to me.
They didnt realized it but I am truly thankful for their presence.
Always ask me if I have eaten, and paksa me makan.
Sleepover in my room because my roommates left me alone 😡
Bayangkan, we slept 6 orang on 2-single beds. 
A part of me love the fact that they were always with me, taking care of me.
But a part of me always had that thought yang I would make them uncomfortable or kacau their friendship.
But still, each one of them were very nice, until today 💕

Since I mentioned that this was my worst semester ever, I got bad result for final exam (3.33)
I was upset, making me more upset when this one girl in my class say things like 'aku lagi rendah dari kau' 'orang lain menaik kau menurun apesal' 
To be honest girl, I dont even know why.
It may be because I lose focus, I got distracted with so many things, I lost my confidence ..
... or I just hated Principal of Accounting.

That's it for part one.
I am truly blessed.


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