finished my 5 semester in Polytechnic Mersing! (3/3)
Last part ❤
June' 2017, my last semester here before I proceed with LI.
Lets look back how it went.
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Me, Ain, Syafa, Piqah. |
My roommates for my last semester.
Those two yang bukan Syafa, were completely unknown to me.
Yassss new semester, new people!
Both of them (Ain & Piqah) were in their 4th semester but we are still on the same age, 20.
Ain was more to an introvert, as a person.
Also she's very neat & clean and makes me scared 😁
While Piqah, very talkative and such a prankster.
Always kacau me.
We were so noisy and we had never stop laughing.
Everything is funny to Ain & Piqah 😹
They loved us too much, sadly we had to leave.
So in 5th semester, I was appointed as Timbalan Pengarah Program for Jamuan Raya Politeknik Mersing Johor and ... it was indeed a lot of works.
But I learned so much, got supported by my team.
It went well.
I cannot forget this once in a lifetime chance and I will improve myself, kalau lah one day I got the opportunity to lead a big event again.
It was a very good experience that I gained as MPP.
This is our Penasihat Akademik from our first semester sampai habis.
Puan Syazwani. The first moment I saw her, I knew she's the right person to be our 'mom', gituuuu 😎
She is so soft-spoken, very motherly and very cute too, seriously.
She has always be kind to us, taking care of us, supporting our projects and gave us really lots of advises.
We're so gonna miss her and I'm sure she's gonna miss us too, her first anak anak PA.
There's no way I could forget her, y'all 😭
This picture was taken during our last activities together 💘
It was really a good one.
We felt a little bit more closer.
It feels good to lepak2 together like this.
The food was good, really. Sebab ada spaghetti like you know HOW MUCH i love pastas 🍲
Also on that day, we mandi laut, walaupun dah lewat.
It was so fun sampai me tenggelam di balik ombak because Kak Ummi forgot that we're not on the same height.
The confessions session was good, walaupun I did not use the chance properly.
BECAUSE the moment when it was my turn, everyone dah tak duduk diam 😂
I was like guysss wasnt this supposed to be sad and dramatic 😶
But everyone was playing with the sand (yea, me too.)
So I guess the appreciation post is here since I'm not much of a talker to talk face-to-face with each of you guys.
Alright so.
Dear classmates. Auch.
Walaupun, we are not thaaaaaaat closed, you guys have been helping while I was busy adjusting myself with the unfamiliar environment when I first came here.
We didnt talk everyday but we feel the same joyousness every time class got cancelled.
I just want to tell you guys that you guys are awesome, in everything.
Thank you for everything, we'd do reunion in 5 years, wait.
Probably have nothing to say to Syafa, Amin & Kak Ummi since I'll still stick with them for another 6 months.
Fit, my halal-gap deskmate, yang always tease & talking nonsense to us but still be nice to us, rasa macam dah cakap pasal fit on my latest post so nope not gonna tambah panjang panjang just so you guys know, he may looks like a matured guy but ... no .. he's not.
Syida, Piqah, Fatimah, Acha & Meera, yang pernah be by my side jugak, I really appreciate everything you guys did to me.
That one old friend, I've moved on, byeee 😂😂 just kidding, but still, it was great to know you, and actually sitting with you to study & talk & eat, blew my mind sometimes likeee we were really closed? how did we became like this.
But never mind, nothing makes me relax than seeing you live a happier life now compared to back then when we were closed, you were alwaaaaays complaining 😂
I wish you'll be what you want to be.
Last anugerah for the last semester.
Semester 5 tak tahu la result apa cerita.
Cant expect much because I've been playing and nope, dont need to count how many times I skipped classes 😋
May our practical went well.
Semua lulus.
Then we can meet on graduation day.
For the time being, I am very nervous for practical.
I am not ready, to live 6 months in KL and work?
Positively, I have more time to spend with Syafa & Kak Ummi.
If you're reading this, please pray for me 👯
Thats it, the end of my 'finished my 5 semester in Polytechnic Mersing!' -- series
I'll be updating more as I dont want to abandon my precious blog, walaupun banyak kali sangat tukar the domain.
Alright, till then --

Ongniel gif to make your my day 🙋