Tips to future intenship students!

I mentioned this quite many times before, on social media.
But I don't know why I don't have the courage to spill the tea about it on my blog.
I guess because it is more open here?
My blog of course is not THAT famous but I am still afraid it might cause bigger problems.
But hey, I had a rough time during my internship.
Yes, a part that I didn't mention in my previous post.
So I am doing this because internship should be a good experience.
Something that you could brag about when you'll be seeking job.
But lets just enjoy this post without thinking bad about anyone.
I am doing it.
I am doing this for the juniors.
I am not doing this because of anger and hatred.
1. Find the right place.

First of all, mestilah to cari the right place.
It doesn't have to be the best company, just right.
Make sure to at least do some research about the company.
It is important to know the background of that company.
Lagi best kalau dapat contact orang-orang yang pernah intern kat situ.
At least you get to know how you will be treated or a little bit culture about the company.
It is good to get prepared beforehand than to be regret afterwards 😎
2. Know your scope.
Of course you need to work based on the scope you learned few semesters back.
You wouldn't want to repair engine but studied how to calculate debt in diploma days.
Always stated you learning courses and job scope that you want in your resume.
And you could ask the company what scope they offered for internship too.
You know.
There was like few students from my batch complaining that they had to do work that was out of their scope, so it was difficult.
Of course you'll be learning new things.
But you don't want to waste all those stuffs you learned in classes, labs, etc etc.
3. Know your rights.

Dalam melayu nya, ketahuilah hak anda!
If the company offers you allowance, and they did not give any penny, then there's your right to ask.
"Many students have overlooked this"
What my lecturer told me when I presented to her last week.
I've read few posts saying that internship students do not have any right pasal allowance.
Which one of the reason why some students kept quiet about it/
But hey, if a experienced lecturer told me that, terbukak mata. Hahaha.
How do you survive with no income?
My lecturer also explained that internship students should know their rights.
The word 'student' doesn't apply here because yes, we come to gain experience, but we also work.
Know your worth, know your rights.
4. Good relationship.
It is important to work in a good working environment.
Create it.
Make friends with all the internship student there.
Be friendly with the staffs there.
You will always need their help.
Especially if you are far away from your family,
to have a good relationship with staffs there is very important.
You also will learn a lot of stuffs that you could never learn in classes.
Tak sebenarnya, wherever you are, be good to people.
You can't see the future.
You might need their helps in the future.
5. Gain a lot of experience.
Avoid doing just one thing everyday.
Maksudnya, avoid doing the same work everyday.
Internship is where you get to learn and experience a lot of things.
Some work may be difficult but hey it is never wrong to challenge yourself.
I love it that I did a lot of different work during my internship so I got a lot to say for my presentation.
This is also good, I mean, imagine you're working later like in real life, real working life.
And then they ask you to do something that you've done before.
Oh my, something to brag again 💃
But still, the point is, gain as many experience as you can.
You have a lot of time during internship.
Don't waste it by doing the same thing everyday.
Learn how things work.
6. Final report.
This is the 'best' part of internship seriously 😂
Firstly, students, don't do the report last minute!
You might make a lot of mistakes.
Oh, cmon, sama macam buat assignment.
But, be honest on your report.
Jangan tiru, reka cerita ok.
Jaga nama company but jaga nama sendiri dulu, alright.
Dalam report,
Tell everything you wanted to tell.
Say everything you wanted to say.
Spill everything you wanted to spill.

Above all, all these tips are just my two cents.
This does not apply to every students & company.
Just a precaution.
Good luck to all the students who will be taking part in internship.
Remember to create something that you'll look back to say "It was fun!"
Be good, be kind to everyone.
Remember, lagi, during your internship, you bring along your IPT's name so jangan buat masalah!
Always know where to report if theres problem.
Psst : hit me up if you want samples for final report and final presentation 😜