Three Girls on a Windy Beach, painting by artist Kay Crain

This is gonna be another bright post. Hopefully.
HMMMM just a post about these two girls that are on my mind right now.
Eww cheesy.
Its just that I rarely talk about them and confess to them.
So I'm going to do it now 😈πŸ’ͺ

Actually this idea came yesterday after we spent some quality time.
Yeth, we spent a lot of time and my diploma days are better everyday because of them.
After months of not meeting, we finally met yesterday.
To Mersing we went.
It was a very fun car rides with them.
The ride to Mersing was full of us joking, singing and screaming.
On our way back, it was just full with flashbacks, confessions and some heart to heart talk I guess.

Years of friendship, I had never got the chance to thank them properly.
I don't really know how to express outwardly but this is me.
But guys, thank you.
Theres so many things that both of you have done to me that I am thankful for.
Helping me throughout my biggest fear like feeling rejected, and throughout my smallest fear too, like being afraid to order food from McD πŸ˜‚
You guys have helped me mentally and physically, a lot.
Remember when I was still in the heartbroken phase?
You guys were always there.
Remember when I was in my lowest point during internship?
You guys were there.
Remember when I don't text back or when I never text first?
You guys were still there πŸ’“

Both of them always claim themselves as someone who are full of ego, hot-tempered, idgaf-type of people - which is very very very true.
But I am grateful that I got to see the soft side of both of you too.
I have never tell this but.
You guys are ego, but not to any three of us. If anything complicate between us three, one will give in. I mean macam 'ok. anything for you'.
You guys are annoyingly hot-tempered, but not to any three of us. You guys are doing great in controlling the anger when it involve the three of us. Macam when we fight or there's misunderstanding, both of you will try to cool down. Syafa will continue watching dramas or straight away go to sleep. Kak Ummi will avoid seeing us for awhile and reach us when she's cool.
You guys are idgaf-type of a person but not to any three of us. If anything happened, both of you would not just let it go. Since you guys are very straightforward, all the misunderstandings always ended quickly and nicely which is why our friendship work the best πŸ’—
Both of you are the most caring person I have ever had.
Always ask me if I'm hungry or if I'm tired or if I wanted to buy Tealive or if I wanted a company.

The best part about these two girls is how our trust is built.
They have never try to invade my privacy no matter how close we are.
When we lived together back then in KL, i used to conquered our balcony to write up my journal.
These two will leave me with my own space and never come there.
Even when they have something to say, they will say it from the inside of the house or behind the curtain.
That makes me comfortable and I knew it right away that I have two girls to trust.

The next thing I love is how strong our bond is and how magical the chemistry we had.
Kak Ummi is really picky on who she should have as a close friend.
I mean, she's friend with everyone and everyone knows her 😯
But she is really particular in choosing someone she's cling to.
While Syafa on the other hand, friends with whoever comes to her.
And me ... I don't like friends.
I don't approach people and I am a little bit far from their personality/way in choosing friends.

Kak Ummi once revealed that she wanted to be my friend during the early semester ( we never talk to each other back then ).
But I kinda have my own group of friends and it makes it difficult for her to reach me.
Ok here goes a tension first impression.
On the third semester Syafa came as an annoying new student and I approached her ( surprisingly, Wina, wow ) and we became friends.
We sit behind Kak Ummi in the class.
Both of them met eyes to eyes and Kak Ummi rejected Syafa dalam hati.
Because she could feel that they have some similar bad traits and they won't get along well.
So Kak Ummi never approach Syafa.
But she's a eavesdropper.
She heard me and Syafa were talking Kpop.
And she forgot the bad impression she had for Syafa and from her seat, she just turned around and interrupt our Kpop-discussion.

 And then our friendship blooms beautifully.
We become reliable compared to how we were when we first met.
Its almost three years, I guess? 
There's not even a single moment when I feel regret or tired of them because every time I am with them, I feel special.
Even there's three of us, they never leave me out or making me the second option.
Its us, its always us.

We were talking in the car about how we work our friendship but I was too sleepy :(
Couldn't bother because my eyes are more important than our friendship 😜
I realized that when we were together, we really hated cheesy stuffs.
Now we separated, we just missed each other.
Even that one person who look strong keep spamming the group chat saying she missed us 😭
Its okay, we will meet someday.
Even though it's hard considering our distance, we'll make it for sure.

Thank you caring about me, treating me like a little sister.
Thank you for the attention you give, always know what I like and I don't.
Thank you for respecting me, knows my limit and never cross the limit.
Thank you for accepting me, my jokes and my different personality.
Thank you for rejecting my flaws and weaknesses like they never exist.
Thank you for always making me special.
Thank you for all the hugs you give when I needed (and when I don't)
Thank you for being there, uplifting me especially during our internship!
Thank you for supporting me, in whatever I'm doing.
Thank you for choosing me to be a part of your life.
Thank you for dealing with me, especially when I don't talk about my problems, both of you will never force me but wait for me instead.
Thank you for coping up with my shits.
Oh! Thank you for always laughing at my jokes.
Thank you for existing.
I don't know what would have happen if you guys were not with me.
I don't know what would have happen if I didn't approach Syafa to walk together to the classes, if Kak Ummi didn't turn around when we were talking Kpop.
How small things could lead to the biggest thing.
That shit beautiful, guys.

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