A girl I want to keep forever 💕

So beautiful, that she deserve every flower in the world.
She's someone that is always there.
No matter,
How many days of us not talking.
How many weeks of us not checking on each other.
How many years of us not seeing each other.
I know she's always there.
The starting of our friendship was very beautiful.
As beautiful as our friendship over the years.
Our personality matched well back then.
So the chemistry was there.
Then we grew up, we found our own different-personality.
She became more confident and active while making so many friends.
While I became more reserved and cautious in making friends.
But the chemistry is still there.
We still clique.
That's what makes the friendship beautiful.

There's some times, where I don't feel that we're still the same.
Also there's time I feel like I'm forgetting her.
I'll do whatever it takes so that I'd get myself back together.
I remind myself that there's a reason why I don't leave her, even after school ends.
And the reason is ..
She was there during my worst year of life.
She was there when I first fell in love.
She was there when I had my first boyfriend who turns to a bullshit now.
She was there on every fights and tears.
She was there when I had my worst heartbreak.
She was there all the way of me moving on.
She was there, fixing back my shattered heart.
Feeling guilty for not being able to do anything, she didn't know, by just being there, everything is okay.
She was there when I took a whole new step after the breakup, encouraging me.
She was there remind me not to be too serious with man's words because she's afraid.
But again, she was there when I fell in love for the second time.
She was there, too, when the second guy broke my heart.
Sekian, a story of how I am bad with relationship ft. a loyal best friend.
She literally watch me growing up.
She watches my mental and emotion improve.
And for that, I never knew how to thank her.
We may become further as years passes by.
And I may not be your first person for you to tell everything.
But, I'm keeping my promise, that I am always going to be here.
I don't want to be that one friend who doesn't know what's going on, or how you're doing.
I learned so much from you.
It am still sad over the fact that we don't see each other everyday.
Do you remember, that you waited for my mom to fetch me everyday after balik sekolah padahal rumah belakang sekolah je?
I appreciated that so much sebab if I was you, I'd straight balik rumah sebab nak makan & tidur.

Anyway, let's stay together forever.
Let's have an extra-loyal-friendship.
This morning I look into you Instagram to find pictures.
I'm so touched that you deleted most of the pictures but our 3-year-old pictures are still there 😢
We're going to meet anytime soon okay, so we can take pictures.
A lot.
I hate it that we have to use old pictures 💔
I wish you all the best in everything.
I'll be with you in every single step you take.
I'll make you okay when you're not okay.
I'll be a good listener when you need someone to talk to.
I'll be a steady punching bag when you need someone to lepaskan geram.
Thank you for everything you've done to me, and showing me how a positive person should behave.
Happy 21st birthday, Syahidah Hanani Binti Hamdan!
Lastly, I don't think this post is enough to show how much you meant to me.
Because there's so much things that can't even be said with words.
Saranghaeyowww 💕