First Driving Class - Experience.

I am a bit late, but better late than never, aite?
So after finishing my studies, I... dont have anything to do.
I wanted to work but clearly its not as desperate as I should have been.
I fill my free time with a lot of stuffs.
I learn how to cook -- now I am a pro-chef 😜
I learn how to do bullet journal -- it was fun and all you need is creativity!
I learn some researches & histories from the internet -- when I dont know what to do with the internet anymore. And recently I learnt about Queen Elizabeth. It was fun.
I also do some babysit, with both my nephew & niece -- Iskandar & Ilyana.
Iskandar became suuuuuper cheeky & knows how to tease people. He's growing up!
Sabar jap Iskandar, Cikna going to do a whole appreciation post for you later 😎
While Ilyana, by the time I'm writing this, she is 10 days old!
And my very recent activity is, getting my driver licenses! O.M.G! Few steps to take, I can finally drive!
I actually took my first class - the taklimat one - few months ago.
In May, I guess?
It was good since I really love to learn in the class 😂
I met my primary school - friend.
Then I took the computered-exam and score 48/50!
Which worth the studies because of how serious I am in getting my license!
Months passed by, I havent take my driving class today because of I am sooo nervous.
Until the end of June, I decided to give it a go.
Learning schedule decided.
And today, is the first day of driving class!
I was sooooo excited, and not as nervous as everyone thought 😎
I came to the Akademi cheerfully, just cannot wait for my name to be called.
After 30 minutes of waiting & learning about the car parts, I met my Cikgu.
His age is almost as the same as my parents so yes, I am not nervous!
He is very fatherly, knows how to break the silence and awkwardness.
He ask about my family, my studies, my siblings, my life in Mersing -- while I was driving!
It was not that hard because he taught me step by step, and he acknowledged that this is my first time driving.
First time turning the steering wheel.
First time knowing the clutch and all those stuffs.
First time turning on the signal.
LOL, a lot of mistakes but hey, its my first time.
A really good experience.
Few more classes and tests and I'm getting my driving license!!